What a time to be alive.
No truly, what a time to be alive, to have the utter fear of losing everything and still pushing on.. Two Thousand and Sixteen, you near damn killed me.. but here I stand, albeit still shaky on my legs, but I'm still here..
Photographically speaking, 2016 was my most successful year which saw me travel many corners of Europe and Asia and every state of Australia. I met approximately 5,000 people sharing in their happiest moments of their lives or those they know and that passion damn well saved me. I got to see the Eiffel tower, do the tango in a underground bar in London and climb through 700 year old castles in remote Ireland, document a family in the desert in 45 degree temperature, add a few scars to my body in sake of getting the shot (its always worth it) and ultimately, keep a lot of peoples love alive via the means of documenting what they hold so close. Before we go any further, THANK YOU, Thank you, THANK YOU. I can't express how our fast friendships and fleeting minutes fed my soul and made me truly feel like I was doing something meaningful when everything else felt so dire.
My last post on here is from May, which speaks oceans.. My personal life has been anything but 'successful' and I've essentially climbed Mount Everest this year behind the scenes. My marriage is no more, my home is now different and scattered with new memories and my new normal is not how I ever imagined it. I didn't fail though, I finally found my voice that I had searched for my entire life and although utterly painful at times, if I didn't act now I truly would have failed myself and all those around me.
For all its up's and downs, I've been overcome with the love shown to me, from old friends, new friends and from people I've never met but know my story. You fucking rule!
Because I haven't blogged for so long, it feels like I have this treasure chest of slices of time that have never had their moment to shine. I'm so damn proud of these images I've created this year and it feels damn fitting that this is the post to break my silence... In a world of so many unknowns, I've never been so sure in knowing that photography is what I'm hands down the best at and what feeds my soul so purely... Please pour yourself a drink.. heck, this post was fuelled by a bottle of wine ;) and enjoy this insight into the lives of many and the eyes of mine.